
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
So, it's the big day tomorrow - my cast comes off (assuming everything's okay). Can it really be six weeks since The Accident? It's been the most surreal month-and-a-half of my life. Here are some things I've learned during my period of 'rest':

1) Codeine is great.
2) When you go out on crutches, people either stare at you as if you're the elephant man, skirt around you like you've got leprosy or completely ignore you and try to knock you over. Only one woman - in NatWest - who told me to 'hobble over here' treated me as if I wasn't about to die or was already dead.
3) People stuck at home with broadband shouldn't be allowed to have a credit card and/or access to ebay.
4) However, 24-hour access to ebay does mean you can buy and sell and make quite a lot of money.
5) You can go six weeks without a bath and not smell really bad. Er, I think so anyway (or is that why lots of people were avoiding me in the street?)
6) BBC 6Music is a fantastic radio station
7) Butter is an extremely lovely, patient girlfriend (OK, I knew that anyway)
8) That when you tell people you tripped over and broke you're knee they are 92% certain to say, 'Had you been drinking?'
9) That being stuck indoors for three weeks without a single trip outside is enough to drive you TOTALLY F*CKING BONKERS!

And I haven't watched daytime TV once. Not once!

Saturday, October 23, 2004
Yesterday, my friend Louise sent me a picture of a very amusing root vegetable that she'd found:

His name is Mr Root, and he's available to the highest bidder on eBay:

Saturday, October 16, 2004
I know, I've been pathetically slack - but I really haven't done anything and I'm as bored of writing about my knee as I'm sure people are of hearing about it. So this is a holding post, to get those goth pics off the top of the page if nothing else. The highlight of my week was a taxi ride to London to spend a day at the office. I felt every bump. I've also been rediscovering the joys of eBay, selling some Scissor Sisters tickets because I won't be able to make it to the gig now, and my Gameboy Advance. I've been watching loads more films - Run Lola Run, Finding Nemo, Show Me Love and The Girl Next Door - and writing lots. We finally saw the treatment of Killing Cupid from the BBC. They're pitching it to BBC films now - maybe I've told you that already? And I'm involved in an Australian project to write something set in Kyoto. Just finished my edit of the novel of Killing Cupid, have entered Sayonara Baby in a competition and about to start on my next collaborative novel. At least I'm trying, eh?

My review of Razorlight's album is here.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004
I have a feeling I'm going to regret this...

People sometimes ask me if I have any pictures of when I was a goth. Fortunately they're locked in my mum's attic, for the good of society. However, this afternoon my old schoolfriend David - who now lives in Australia - scanned and emailed me some old pics that date from around 1988/89. Here are a few of the best. Yes, believe it or not, there were worse photos.

Practising for our first NME cover

Nice shades, huh?

Control yourselves, ladies

Have you stopped laughing yet?

Tuesday, October 05, 2004
You'll be pleased - unless you're a sadist, in which case you'll be disappointed - to hear that I'm in a lot less pain now. I'm off the drugs (bye bye glamour) and feeling almost normal. Apart from still being stuck indoors. I could get down the stairs but can't get back up unless I have someone with me to carry my crutches. Perhaps I could hire a sherpa. There's a Himalayan restaurant down the road - they might be able to tell me where to find one. Also, getting up the stairs is pretty exhausting, which is why I haven't been out since I went to the hospital. But I'm planning to go out for a hobble this weekend.

Thick stuck-indoors-ness means I have very little to blog about. All I'm doing is watching films and reading. So far this week I've seen Goodbye Lenin (a funny German film; no that's not an oxymoron), The Third Man, LA Confidential, Bully and Shaun of the Dead, which is the best zom-rom-com I've ever seen. I bought a book called 1001 Films You Must See Before You Die and am working my way through it.

A work friend of mine went to see Lionel Ritchie the other day. While looking for Lionel references with which to mock her, I came across this very funny page - A guide to making your own Hello-video head.

My latest review, of Thirteen Senses, is on Stylus now. I tried to write a good review for a change. They're much harder.